Mesa Water Customers Can Save Water and Money by Not Overseeding

September 7, 2023 at 11:17 am

Many residents, businesses and homeowner's associations (HOAs) are deciding whether or not to overseed their lawns. And the City of Mesa is encouraging all water customers to consider limiting or forgoing the overseeding of grass areas. While winter snowpack has slightly improved conditions on the Colorado River and its reservoirs, we live in a dry, arid climate and water conservation is a necessity.

Choosing not to overseed bermudagrass with winter rye saves water. It allows your summer lawn to rest - making it stronger for new spring growth. Customers can also save money on the avoided costs of seed, labor and gasoline for mowing, and save time by not having to mow and care for the grass all winter long.

There is a savings of 8,000 gallons of water for every 1,000 square feet of grass by forgoing this winter luxury. Once established, winter rye needs water every three to seven days, while dormant bermudagrass only needs water once every three or four weeks. Limiting or not overseeding and adjusting the irrigation timer for each change of season can result in substantial water savings.

For HOAs, the water savings adds up to nearly 350,000 gallons per acre. And because there is such great potential for water savings by not overseeding, the Environmental and Sustainability Department staff will send emails to 400 HOAs requesting their participation in this voluntary program.

"We are looking to our customers - homeowners, businesses and HOAs - especially those with large areas of turf, to embrace a lifestyle consistent with living in the desert and to demonstrate a commitment to preserving Mesa's water supply," said Scott Bouchie, the City of Mesa's Energy and Sustainability Director.

Need more help to decide whether or not to forgo the winter lawn? See the list of 10 great reasons to skip overseeding along with information on low-water-use plants, landscape watering guidelines and helpful conservation tips at