Chris Hassert Appointed to the Arizona Reconsultation Committee

October 3, 2023 at 10:40 am

Chris Hassert, Water Resources Director, was recently appointed as a delegate to the Arizona Reconsultation Committee (ARC). The ARC is tasked with developing Arizona's position for the renegotiation of the Colorado River 2007 Interim Operating Guidelines and to prepare Arizona for engaging with the Bureau of Reclamation, the other Colorado River Basin States, Mexico, Tribes, NGOs and others in the Reconsultation process. As one of the few municipal representatives, Chris will help ensure that Mesa has a seat at the table for these important discussions that will help guide the future use and allocation of Colorado River Water beginning in January 2027 and beyond. Thank you, Chris, for your continued leadership in helping ensure that Mesa's water portfolio remains strong, diverse, and continues to grow.