Mesa City Council Votes to Put General Plan on the November 2024 Ballot

May 20, 2024 at 6:48 pm

The Mesa City Council has approved the 2050 General Plan, giving Mesa residents the opportunity to vote on it during the November 2024 General Election.

City Council's action follows a series of public meetings held in each City Council District earlier this year for residents to review and provide additional input about the roadmap for Mesa's long-term growth, prosperity and well-being.

The process began in late 2022 and included four surveys and approximately 100 public events and presentations. A citizen advisory committee guided the public outreach process, analyzed the community's input and made recommendations to City staff.

The 2050 General Plan was created using public input and input from the Citizen Advisory Committee, information from existing plans, and the Mesa City Council strategic initiatives. The Plan includes a vision statement, core values, guiding principles and strategies to guide decision making for the next decade. The Plan does not raise taxes or change the existing zoning of property.

The City's General Plan is updated every ten years, as mandated by the State of Arizona. The General Plan can be viewed at