The Mesa City Council has called a General Election for Nov. 5, 2024. Mesa voters will vote on four ballot measures that will impact the City's ability to keep up with growth and maintain high-quality services for its residents, businesses and visitors.
Question 1 - Permanent Base Adjustment. The Permanent Base Adjustment involves adjusting a base limit established by the City's 1979-80 fiscal-year expenditures, which is used to calculate the City's annual expenditure limitation. This question will ask Mesa voters to decide whether to increase the 79-80 base limit by $148 million. Many Arizona cities have already adjusted their base limit. This adjustment won't raise taxes and will help Mesa better predict and plan its future budgets for critical municipal functions such as public safety. The Permanent Base Adjustment:
Does not increase taxes or allow the City to spend more than its resources
Is estimated to provide expenditure capacity for 30 years
Replaces the need to get the home rule alternative approved by voters every four years to fund critical municipal functions
Does not change the requirement for cities, under state law, to adopt a balanced budget
Question 2 - General Obligation Bond to Enhance Community Safety. This question asks for voter approval on a $90 million bond for projects that enhance community safety. The General Obligation Bond to enhance Community Safety may include:
Fire and medical response stations
Replacement and addition of fire apparatuses, including fire engines
Construction and improvement of the emergency 911 communications center
Expansion of the City's fiber network for efficient communications
o Design and construction improvements to make streets, roads and intersections safer for all users
Question 3 - General Obligation Bond to Enhance Recreational Facilities and Expand Educational and Cultural Experiences. Mesa voters will decide on a $170 million General Obligation Bond directed to improve Mesa's recreation, education and cultural facilities that support an active lifestyle and impact the quality of life of all residents. Projects may include:
Construction and renovation of parks, recreational facilities and playgrounds
Water conservation improvements at City parks
Construction of new aquatic centers
Renovations and improvements of the historic Sirrine House property
Construction, renovation and improvement of i.d.e.a. Museum
Question 4 - 2050 General Plan. The 2050 General Plan, if approved, includes a vision statement, core values, guiding principles and strategies to guide decision-making by City leaders for the next decade.
The 2050 General Plan was created using public input and input from a citizen advisory committee, information from existing plans and the Mesa City Council strategic initiatives
The General Plan is updated every ten years, as mandated by the State of Arizona
The General Plan does not raise taxes or change the existing zoning of property
Mesa's General Obligation Bonds (Questions 2 and 3) are paid for through a secondary property tax.
Arguments advocating or opposing ballot measures shall be filed with the Mesa City Clerk's Office, 20 E. Main St., Suite 150, not later than 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024. Arguments must include a sworn statement from the person(s) sponsoring the argument.
For more information, please contact the Mesa City Clerk's Office at 480-644-4868, or visit